(FILES) In this file photo taken on October 10, 2018, a demonstrator dressed as Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (C) with blood on his hands protests with others outside the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC, demanding justice for missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The US director of national intelligence is expected to release a damning report on February 26, 2021, that fingers Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the brutal murder and dismemberment of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018. The classified report is believed to say that, based on intelligence collected by the CIA and other spy bodies, the kingdom's de facto leader directed the assassination of the respected US-based writer in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. / AFP / Jim WATSON
Un juge américain a classé sans suite mardi une plainte déposée aux Etats-Unis contre le prince héritier d’Arabie saoudite, Mohammed ben Salman (MBS), accusé d’avoir ordonné le meurtre du journaliste Jamal Khashoggi en Turquie. Le magistrat John Bates a estimé ces accusations « crédibles » mais s’est dit lié par la position récemment prise par le gouvernement américain, selon qui MBS bénéficie d’une immunité judiciaire en tant que chef de gouvernement en exercice.